Tanglewood Music Center
Residential Life
Most TMC Fellows reside in the dormitory of Miss Hall's School in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, located seven miles from the Tanglewood grounds.
A bus runs regularly between the two locations, although Fellows are strongly encouraged to bring a car, both for their own daily transportation and to explore the many attractions in the Berkshires.
The dorm consists of single and double room accommodations. Fellows returning for a second or third summer are given preference for single rooms, but several will be available to first-year Fellows through a lottery system. Other facilities at Miss Hall's School include performance and rehearsal spaces, a communal lounge, free laundry, tennis courts, a basketball court, and athletic fields, where Fellows often enjoy games of soccer and ultimate frisbee.
Fellows are served breakfast and dinner daily at Miss Hall’s School. A stipend is provided for purchasing lunches on the Tanglewood campus.
The BSO Beach
Tanglewood is situated near the placid waters of the Stockbridge Bowl, just southwest of campus, down the hill and through the trees. During breaks between rehearsals, TMC Fellows can often be found on its shores, where they mingle with BSO members, their families, and guest artists appearing at Tanglewood.
Physical Wellness
The TMC believes that attention to physical wellness is essential for musicians to practice and perform their best. A new partnership with Optimal Wellness Berkshires helps Fellows prevent instrument-specific injuries during their summer residency.