<p>Jerry and Joanne Dreher first ventured out to Tanglewood for a Sunday afternoon date in 1971. They didn’t miss a summer in the Berkshires from that point on. Just as active with the Boston Symphony Orchestra (BSO) in Boston, they also subscribed to a Wednesday night rehearsal series after they were married. </p><p>The Drehers became much more involved with the BSO when Jerry retired. Looking for daytime activities that were both fulfilling and meaningful, Jerry joined the Boston Symphony Association of Volunteers (BSAV), and Joanne joined 13 years later upon her retirement. After years of service to the orchestra, Jerry became the Chair of the BSAV. </p><p>“The BSAV provided a window into this great organization and introduced us to like-minded, committed music-lovers who appreciate all that the BSO represents in the world of classical music and in local communities,” shares Joanne. </p><p>The Drehers’ long history with the orchestra led them to make an estate gift to nurture future generations of musical arts and performance enthusiasts. Sadly, in 2022, Jerry passed away. To honor Jerry, their love, and their shared appreciation of the orchestra, Joanne continues to support Tanglewood and the BSO today. </p><p>“By supporting the BSO, I can say thank you, honor Jerry’s memory and celebrate the joy we felt when we were together in Symphony Hall and at Tanglewood. There’s great pride knowing that our time together, our many moments with the BSO and Tanglewood, are preserved as part of the organization through our planned gift.” </p>