<p>Ellen Mayo first came to Symphony Hall when she moved to Boston and a new friend encouraged her to purchase a BSO subscription. Another friend then invited her to join the Boston Symphony Association of Volunteers (BSAV), and 20 years later, Ellen is now the past Vice-Chair of the BSAV.</p>
<p>Attending concerts and volunteering for the BSO deeply enriched her life and introduced her to many new friends. “It has been a joy to be associated with the Symphony,” she said. The joy and sense of community she found at Symphony Hall inspired her to establish a charitable gift annuity to give back to the orchestra and the music that means so much to her. </p>
<p>“I don’t have a musical background, but classical music needs an audience. I want to help preserve an important part of Boston culture.”</p>
<p>In addition to the satisfaction of ensuring that the BSO continues to thrive, Ellen’s connection to the orchestra has grown even deeper as a member of the BSO’s legacy society, the Walter Piston Society. “I am lucky to know other Piston Society members who are old friends and have made new friends among the members.”</p>