<p>Eileen Walker first attended a Boston Symphony Orchestra concert when she was in high school. "That was incredible," she says. "You could feel...that everyone was there for the pure enjoyment of the music." And that hasn't changed in the 30 years that she and her husband Michael have been coming to Symphony Hall. "It's comforting – you walk in and you feel like you've been embraced. I always find solace here."</p>
<p>Throughout an engineering career and a passion for fiber arts and woodworking, Eileen has made sure that her life is full of art and music of all kinds. Her lifelong dedication to the BSO as a concertgoer, donor, and friend was renewed when she considered her long-term estate plans, which include a provision for the BSO. "It was informal before I had it written up – the desire was always there."</p>
<p>With her construction background, Eileen is dedicating her gift to the upkeep of Symphony Hall. Though its beauty and acoustic renown have changed little over the years, she explains that "technology changes, and there will be advances that the hall should be a part of. That's to be expected and it will enrich people's experiences."</p>
<p>For Eileen, being attached to a place like Symphony Hall – where she and countless other music lovers can find solace and joy – is incredibly meaningful. "By volunteering time or money to the symphony, you feel as if you are a part of it. And that's rewarding. I get that warm sense when I come to the hall and know that I've done my little ounce to make sure that this continues."</p>
<p>With the help of Eileen and her fellow Walter Piston Society members, the BSO can rely on gifts from its most loyal supporters. Planned giving can incorporate bequest provisions, gift annuities, trust arrangements, and much more, but most importantly, it is the commitment and dedication that donors like Eileen bring to the BSO that is so appreciated.</p>