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Quarter Notes

Tanglewood Vice Chair Nancy B. Finn Recaps the Volunteer Survey

Hear from Tanglewood Vice Chair Nancy B. Finn as she explains the findings of the 2022 Tanglewood volunteer survey and how it will inform changes for 2023.
Headshot of a smiling woman wearing glasses and a dark blazer

The 2022 summer season at Tanglewood was a big hit from the perspective of the individuals who volunteered, according to the annual survey that was released in late Fall. The survey revealed the following information:

  • Ushers were by far the largest group of volunteers, with over 250 individuals who gave their time to assist patrons to find their seats inside the performing venues and on the Lawn. Ushers also answered questions about the grounds, provided help with wheelchairs and walkers (stowing them during the concert and bringing them back to their owners immediately following the concert), and they made sure everyone had programs and was well situated before the concert began.
  • This past season there were also 116 individuals who worked as hosts, 52 who worked at the information tables, 25 who were tour guides, and 55 who worked in the gift shop. All these volunteers had plenty of face time with patrons who came to enjoy our summer programs in an atmosphere of warmth and friendliness that volunteers strive to accomplish.
  • Observations from these volunteers whose roles put them in the position to regularly interact with patrons and understand their needs, include the following:
    • Patrons and volunteers were very happy to be back after a long absence due to COVID;
    • Communication between volunteers and staff exceeded everyone’s expectations. Particularly appreciated by the volunteers was having a phone number to call in an emergency and having hand-outs on the overall Tanglewood schedule each day to refer to.
    • Volunteers reported that the Front of House, led by Jason Lyon, Front of House Director, is outstanding and makes it easier for them to do their jobs.
    • Family programs were enjoyed by and a favorite of patrons, with a special call out for the children’s craft bags on Sundays.

The survey revealed that many volunteers feel there is a need for the group to continue improving communication. Comments suggested that more frequent messaging from the project leads to the specific volunteers working with them would bring better efficiency and cohesion overall. Another helpful suggestion that came out of the survey is that the Welcome Back program and volunteer training need some fine-tuning. On the positive side, respondents felt that the BSAV organization and staff provide great support to the volunteer community and make volunteering for the BSO very special. Also noted is that all volunteers are eager and excited to be looking forward to summer 2023, and another full schedule of great musical events to come. As we move closer to the 2023 season, we can look for these important announcements:

  1. With the season announcement out, stay tuned for email announcements about scheduling for the summer which should be coming out shortly.
  2. The Welcome Back Date will be announced sometime in the Spring.
  3. Volunteer badges, clothing, and other important notices will be available at the BSAV office in June when the office opens.
  4. All volunteers need to keep an eye out for other important announcements as they become available.