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Quarter Notes

Uniform Dress Code Coming to Symphony Hall Volunteers

Learn more from BSAV Boston Vice-Chair Cathy Mazza about the updates coming to Boston volunteers in the fall of 2022.

Coming this Fall 2022, we are asking Boston Volunteers to wear all black in our new uniform dress convention…not really "uniforms" per se.

Wearing all black with our lanyards at events will make it easier to identify the volunteers. This includes the projects for Hosts, Tour Guides, Instrument Playground, Company Celebration at Pops, BSO Open Houses, and others, any time we are interacting with our patrons.

Woman wearing matching black long-sleeve shirt and black pants with a red lanyard standing in front of a  wood-paneled wall
BSAV Boston Vice-Chair Cathy Mazza modeling the new Symphony Hall "uniform."

The Executive Committee of BSAV approved the plan for our Boston volunteers to wear all black whenever we interact with our patrons—at concerts and events at the Hall—because we feel it looks more professional, and it makes the volunteers easier to identify for questions and assistance.

If you have any questions about this new "uniform," please contact the BSAV Office.

Thank you for your participation!