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Quarter Notes

Tanglewood Co-Chair Nancy B. Finn Recaps the Summer

Learn about the BSAV Recognition Event, the Volunteer Emeritus program, and more.
Headshot of a smiling woman wearing glasses and a dark blazer
Tanglewood Co-Chair Nancy B. Finn

The summer of 2022 for the BSAV will not be remembered as “lazy days of summer.” Our return to a full schedule of concerts and events, and the overwhelming response of volunteers to do whatever was needed, kept us all very busy. A record number of 61 new volunteers joined our enthusiastic community to total 478 volunteers for the 2022 season. A huge thank you to everyone who worked hard to provide the support needed during the 120 concerts, both popular and classical, held in the Shed this season, and the 43 concerts and events in Ozawa Hall. New and long-time volunteers had a chance to socialize during four Coffee Talks, followed by tours of the grounds. The Coffee Talks were initiated last year to encourage volunteers to network and stay connected, since many of their specific activities had been curtailed due to the pandemic.

Recognition Event

At this year’s Recognition Event, the 2022 Carrie L. Peace Spirit of Volunteering Award was presented to Bobbi Cohn, who has volunteered for more than 50 years. (You can learn more later in this issue.) Also at the Recognition Event, 253 volunteers were presented with pins representing 3,625 total years of service. The highlight of the event was a presentation by Director of Tanglewood Facilities Bobby Lahart, who delighted us with a slide show, “Perspective on Tanglewood Grounds,” which outlined the job of maintaining this amazing property that included fascinating facts such as:

  • Cutting 35 acres of primary lawn to 1.5 inches length three-to-four times a week with a reel mower
  • Cutting 50 acres of secondary and perimeter lawns to 3 inches length two times a week with a 4-foot rotary mower
  • Cutting 150 acres of grass parking lots to 3 inches one time a week with a 15-foot rotary mower
  • 300 tons of recycled trash are collected each summer season
  • 19,000 cubic feet of leaves and pine needles are collected and recycled
  • 10,000 annuals are planted and maintained each summer
  • Close to 2 miles of perimeter and interior hedgerow are trimmed and treated
  • 5 miles of interior roadways are maintained in all seasons
  • More than 50,000 feet (nearly 10 miles!) of irrigation pipe on campus
  • Three are 112 irrigation zones and more than 750 sprinkler heads
  • More than 80 species of trees are inspected, maintained, and treated annually

Bobby also regaled us with comments and photos of the filming of Maestro, partially completed at Tanglewood. The film, written, directed, and starring Bradley Cooper, tells the story of Leonard Bernstein, and incorporates his involvement with Tanglewood over many years, from the time he was a Fellow when Serge Koussevitzky was BSO Music Director and Founder and Director of the Tanglewood Music Center. Bobby talked about the extensive equipment required for the filming and the complexities of achieving the exact shots needed. Maestro is a Netflix original and is expected to be released in 2023.

Volunteer Emeritus Program

As we approach the end of one year and the beginning of the next, we want to urge all volunteers who qualify to consider becoming a Volunteer Emeritus (VE). The BSAV Volunteer Emeritus program began in 2014 and currently includes 107 volunteer emeriti. The program is open to any individual from Boston or Tanglewood who has given more than 10 years and/or 250 hours of service to the organization. All Volunteer Emeriti are encouraged to attend all BSAV social events including our Welcome Back and Recognition events, as well as the BSAV Named Concerts on each campus. All volunteer emeriti are able to purchase lawn passes for Tanglewood at the Berkshire resident rate, and also take advantage of complimentary ticket offers both in Boston and at Tanglewood.

The Volunteer Emeritus program makes it possible for people who are no longer able to assume a full load of volunteering to stay connected and remain a part of the BSO volunteer community. For more information, contact Erin at 617-638-9394 or, or visit