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BSO, Pops, Tanglewood, and Symphony Hall Logos

Quarter Notes

Summer 2024: Message from the BSAV Chair

Hello, Fellow Volunteers, 

On June 18, many of our fellow Tanglewood volunteers gathered in the Shed for the traditional Welcome Back meeting. I opened the meeting, discussing the state of the BSAV, and the outlook for the coming season, including some changes to our prior experiences. Then, there were several important updates, including those from Nancy Finn, Tanglewood Vice Chair; Amy Aldrich, BSO Director of Patron Experience; Tom Leahy, BSO Tanglewood Grounds Manager; John Stanton, BSO Director Venue and Event Services, who discussed food offerings; and Erin Asbury, BSO Director of Volunteer Programs. Also, Karen Bippus, BSO Director of Planned Giving, discussed the Walter Piston Society. Following the meeting, we adjourned to the Tent Club where volunteers received their parking passes and new logo volunteer shirts. We understand that not everyone is available to attend this meeting - please know your parking passes and shirts are available in the BSAV office. If you are in the area, we encourage you to attend next year's "Welcome Back" to directly receive all important information presented. 

We also conducted the annual BSAV Symphony Hall Recognition Meeting on Monday, May 20. You’ll read more about it in Melissa’s report, but highlights included remarks from BSO President and CEO, Chad Smith, and a presentation by Bridget Carr describing the BSO archives. Many volunteers were recognized for years-served milestones, 100+ volunteer hours during the season, and the Hessie Sargent recipient Sybil Williams. 

This meeting traditionally celebrates the accomplishments of the nearly 150 Symphony Hall volunteers. During the approximately nine-month season, you welcomed about 200,000 guests to the Hall; you “dressed up” the Hall for the Holidays and special events; you conducted almost 150 tours introducing more than 1,600 people to the glories of Symphony Hall. And, significant energy was invested in, among so many projects, Social Engagement activities and Volunteer Emeritus communications. 

Across the board, the dedication, effort and passion you have for the BSO and your volunteer activities is recognized throughout the organization. 

The transition to Tanglewood is complete and volunteer scheduling has been implemented. This season has something for everyone, and the volunteer opportunities equally reflect that wide variety. One of the highlights will be our BSAV Named Concert, Sunday, August 11. If you are a Symphony Hall volunteer and can take the bus trip to Tanglewood, please do so! It would be great to see you there.

To the nearly 500 Tanglewood volunteers, I’ll see you on campus!  



P. S. To all BSAV members: My term as your chairman concludes at the end of the Tanglewood season. I am deeply grateful to all of you for the countless hours you have dedicated to our organization. I am especially appreciative for the work and accomplishments of every project lead, the co-chairs and vice-chairs in both Boston and Tanglewood, our usher liaison in Tanglewood, and our BSAV secretary. It goes without saying that our close working relationship with BSO management is fundamental to the success of the BSAV. It has been my honor and privilege to represent you these past years. You will continue to thrive under the leadership of my successor, Howie Arkans.