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Quarter Notes

Summer 2024: BSAV Office Notes from Erin Asbury

Happy Tanglewood Everyone!

Thank you for a wonderful summer thus far. Is it sad I’m already bummed about having to leave at the end of September?!?

I know there’s been a lot of change this summer. Thank you so much for coming on this wild ride and flexing with us. You are a fantastic bunch and signing in has been going beautifully. Thank you!!!


UPCOMING EVENTS (located on the portal; please RSVP on the portal!)

Volunteer Gatherings on the Lawn: Sundays, July 21, 28 and August 11, 25: 12:30 - 2:30pm Come drop by! We will be between the Tappan House and the Chamber Music Hall. Bring something to share, or not! Just a time and place to get to know each other outside of our usual volunteering roles here. No need to sign-up – please just stop by!

BSAV Named Concert at Tanglewood/Boston BSAV Bus trip to Tanglewood: Sunday, August 11, 2:30pm Email with complimentary ticket code, as well as bus information for Boston-based volunteers to come closer to the event date. 

Tanglewood Recognition Event Date: Wednesday, August 21, Tent Club, 2:00-4:00pm



At the BSAV, we work hard to recognize the passing of valued members of our community and the time and dedication they have afforded us. We want to remember the following BSAV members who have passed since our last Quarter Notes issue:

Joan Bryson (Boston)

Laura Butterfield (Tanglewood)

Bruni Fletcher Koch (Boston)

Shel Goldberg (Tanglewood) 

Bill Grace (Boston)

Ellie O’Connor (Tanglewood) 

Barbara Mandel (Tanglewood) 

Bob Ricles (Boston)  

Sylvia Solomon (Tanglewood) 

If you know of the passing of a fellow volunteer, please contact the BSAV office at so we may alert other volunteers.



A huge welcome to our newest BSAV members!

Margy Abbott

Howard Abrams

Israella Abrams

Ken Baer

Rebecca Bellora

Lisa Berman

Jerry Bernay

Paul Brazie

Robert Carnevale

Susan Casden

Celeste Chhibber

Alison Dixon

Peg Donovan

Henny Feldman

Rebecca Fisher

Catherine Folkers

Paula Friedman

Judy Gerich

Tamira Goodstein

Len Gray

Ro Gupta

Robert Hecht

Sally Hecht

Alan Heilbron

Elaine Huffman

Sue Keller

Patty Kruglak

Ruth Ann Lanier

Ana Larkin

Emily Leventhal

Daniel Levine

Karen Levy

Jeremy Liebowitz

Thomas Lindberg

Kerry Malawista

Pam Malumphy

Denise Matthews

Lissa McGovern

Paula Mercier

Richard Mikita

Scott Nugai

Carolyn O'Donnell

Nancy Palmquist

Linda Paradiso

Tim Power

Paula Pugliese

Howard Rattner

Marcie Schneider

Sharon Shaloo

Louise Shapiro

Ezra Singer

Skipper Singer

Lee Steele

John Stone

Rosemary Stone

Greely Summers

Mary Summers

Roderick Thompson

Ella Toback

Ramon Tourgeman

Edward Weinstein

Melanie Weinstein

Cliff Weiss

Grace Weitzner

Kevin Winslow

Jill Wollins

Briget Yaitanes

Jean Zimmer


Written by Erin Asbury