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BSO, Pops, Tanglewood, and Symphony Hall Logos

Quarter Notes

Summer 2024: BSAV Hessie Sargent Award

Congratulations to this year’s Hessie Sargent Spirit of Volunteering award winner – Sybil Williams

In the Spring of 2000, Sybil and Judy Albee, another Hessie award winner, attended the Boston Flower Show. Tucked in a corner of the exhibit was a table with a BSAV volunteer distributing info about volunteering with the BSO. Sybil was very interested. She gave her phone number and was contacted by the BSAV several months later. 

As a child, Sybil played the flute. For 20 years, she worked at the Boston Safe Deposit & Trust Bank, which was later acquired by BNY Mellon. Like most BSAV newbies, she started as a greeter. Soon, she was drawn to the shop, her favorite long-term volunteer “job,” as she is a real people person. She longs for the return of the BSO shop location. 

But the very, very best part of her “job” is all things Pops-related. Early on in her volunteer career, she was asked to join the Opening Night at Pops committee. She was also the Project Chair for Children’s Christmas at Pops event. Also most enjoyable were the Special Projects: Birthday Party for Symphony Hall, Open Houses, POPS SEARCH, July Fourth boat cruises on the Charles, just to name a few. She became Secretary on the BSAV Executive Committee and co-chaired Gospel Night and Community Concert Committees. Her very first volunteer assignment was the 100-year celebration of Symphony Hall in the Fall of 2000 – quite a memorable first assignment! We are lucky to have Sybil as a part of our community. 

Congratulations again, Sybil!


Written by Cassandra Gordon