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Quarter Notes

Summer 2024: BSAV Committee Meeting Highlights

Upcoming Events:

  • The BSAV Named Concert at Tanglewood and BSAV Boston Bus Trip will take place Sunday, August 11.
  • The Tanglewood BSAV Recognition Event will take place Wednesday, August 21


Ellen Mayo, Co-Chair of the Nominating Committee, presented the Nominating Committee’s recommendations for the four open positions on the BSAV Executive Committee.

  • Vice-Chair, Tanglewood – Peter Geller
  • Usher Liaison, Tanglewood – Norma D’Oliveria
  • Co-Chair Patron Experience, Tanglewood – Margot Lee
  • Co-Chair Volunteer and Community Engagement, Boston – Giovanna Franchi

    The Executive Committee unanimously approved this slate of candidates. The candidates will assume their roles beginning September 1.

BSAV Tour Guides have given 150 tours to 1,500+ patrons from last week of September 2023 through first week of May 2024.

The Social Engagement Committee in Boston has organized several events this year, including a Historical Instrument Tour at Symphony Hall led by Pat Stanton on March 11, and an Isabella Stuart Gardner Museum meetup on April 11. The Committee is planning a summer event for the ‘under 40’ volunteer group, as there are approximately 15-20 volunteers under the age of 40.

A record 67 new Tanglewood volunteers have been accepted for 2024. 

The new Social Engagement Committee at Tanglewood, led by Project Lead Joanne Dreher, has sent out its first survey to volunteers to determine activities of interest. There have been 266+ responses so far. 

Blandine Van de Velde, Senior Director of Individual Giving, Development shared that the Development team is poised to meet its FY24 goal at the end of August, currently at $19.75M towards the $20.25M goal, trending ahead of last year.


Written by Lisa Mafrici