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Quarter Notes

Secretary’s Notes from August BSAV Executive Committee Meeting

Read the notes from the August 12, 2021 BSAV Executive Committee meeting, taken by Secretary Beverly Pieper.

Eunice and Julian Cohen President and CEO Gail Samuel has been with the BSO since June. Two themes she has identified for future work are "tradition vs. habit" and the need to delve into EDI matters more deeply.

Many thanks were expressed to retiring Jerry Dreher, and a signed picture of the orchestra was given to him for his years of service as Chair of the Executive Committee and as a volunteer. Bob Braun will be the new Chair of the Executive Committee.

The Boston Symphony Orchestra has appointed Earl Lee as its new assistant conductor, joining Anna Rakitina, Anna E. Finnerty chair, as one of two assistant conductors. He previously served as associate conductor for the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. Lee will begin a two-year term during the 2021-22 season.

Tanglewood ticket sales to date were 120,983 tickets sold and $5,232,605 in ticketing revenue well over the projections based on 50% capacity. The summer's TMC performances saw larger than usual audiences.

On July 17, more than 3,000 children and family members attended the Tanglewood Family Concert. In addition, BSO musicians held three lunchtime Community Chamber Concerts in Boston and the Berkshires to honor local health care providers. They performed for more than 400 people at Berkshire Health facilities in Pittsfield, Great Barrington, and North Adams. On July 22, more than 500 people attended a Tanglewood in the City Concert on Pittsfield Common.

The BSO 24 programs for the 2021-22 season. Senior management is evaluating protocols with safety experts, including 9Foundations, focused on having the orchestra perform in front of live audiences.

The winner of the 2021 Carrie L. Peace Award will be announced at the Tanglewood Welcome Back Meeting in 2022, and the winner of the 2022 award will be announced at the 2022 Recognition Event.

The Happy Hour sessions were successful in connecting volunteers and will be continued. Zoom project training also proved valuable for both new and experienced Tanglewood ushers.