Quarter Notes
On the Road Again
On a perfect July summer morning at 9:15, 26 BSAV and Walter Piston Society members and their guests boarded a luxury bus, pulled away from Symphony Hall, and headed for Tanglewood. It had been a full two years since our last outing due to concerns over COVID-19. The energy on the bus was upbeat, and the tasty treats, homemade goodies provided by resident photographer Rita Paul only enhanced our highly anticipated day with the BSO!
We arrived right on time at 11:30am and were warmly greeted by Erin Asbury and BSAV staff who handed out our tickets for the afternoon concert. We then headed for the Tent Club, where our pre-ordered luncheon awaited us. A shiver of joy and pride coursed through me as I walked across that beautiful campus. Already the “picnickers” were choosing shady spots to spread out their blankets and food outside the Shed.
Once in the Tent Club, everyone introduced themselves and chatted. Of course, the common thread was our love and dedication to and for the BSO. After lunch, a tour of Tanglewood was offered. We learned about its long history. And then came the main event! Paul Lewis, the highly celebrated English pianist, played Beethoven’s Fifth Piano Concerto, the Emperor. This was his last concert of the season, as he had played the other concertos the two previous days. We were all transported.
(Left to right) BSAV Vice-Chair Susan Price, pianist Paul Lewis, and BSAV Chair Bob Braun and his wife Carol backstage after the BSAV Named Concert.
Boston Volunteers on a tour of the Tanglewood Grounds. Photo credit: Rita Paul
In the Shed for the BSAV Named Concert. Photo credit: Rita Paul
The BSAV Named Concert. Photo Credit: Rita Paul
Boston BSAV on the lawn. Photo credit: Sybil Williams
Erin Asbury, Jeff Bancroft, and Elizabeth Michalak on the lawn. Photo credit: Sybil Williams
After the concert, we gathered once again for final dessert, treats, and coffee in the Grille, where Tanglewood volunteer leadership joined us, before we boarded our bus and headed back to Boston, arriving as advertised at 8pm.
This field trip is just one of the benefits of being a BSAV member. I hope that next year we can all turn out for what was an amazing day!
Rita Paul taking photos. Photo credit: Natsumi Malloy
Found an old friend at Tanglewood. Photo credit: Rita Paul
Natsumi and her daughter in the formal gardens. Photo credit: Rita Paul
Group photo. Photo credit: Rita Paul
It was a perfect day. Photo credit: Rita Paul
Volunteers enjoying refreshments at the Tent Club before heading back to Boston on the bus.