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Quarter Notes

A Winter Message from BSAV Chair Bob Braun

BSAV Chair Bob Braun reviews highlights from the BSO winter season so far, and provides updates on volunteer projects, and the recent survey.
A headshot of a smiling man wearing a gray blazer and a blue button-down shirt, standing outside in front of trees

Hello, fellow volunteers. The Symphony Hall season has started with great success. Nearly 150 volunteers have been quite busy across multiple projects. Many projects that started back in 2021 such has café flowers, hall décor, and hosting are in full swing. And, in a return to pre-COVID activity, tours of the Hall have resumed. Led by project lead Carol Brown and executive committee member co-chair Greg Chetel, nearly 30 tours have been conducted this season starting in October, including a new offering: 30-minute pre-concert tours on Fridays and Saturdays. Our second time offering the preconcert tour, nearly 200 people wanted to join!! And, feedback from attendees is highly complimentary of the volunteer guides.

Volunteers were recognized in A Company Celebration at Pops program book. Mentions of “special gratitude” to the BSAV were on the frontispiece, and, again mentions in the welcome letter from the event co-chairs, who “extend our special thanks to … volunteers.” Volunteers are critical in this event through creating the décor for the hall and social spaces, as well as assisting with the Youth Program prior to the event. The dedication and efforts of BSAV members in support of the BSO is well known.

On Saturday, January 21, the BSAV Named Concert was led by one-time Tanglewood Music Center Conducting Fellow Karina Canellakis, in her BSO subscription series debut. At a pre-concert reception, a large group volunteers and their guests had a chance to reconnect. BSO Board of Trustees Vice-Chair John Loder addressed the group, telling everyone of the Board’s and BSO management’s great appreciation to the volunteers for their dedication, time and generosity. The program booklet even included a description of the BSAV, named all the Boston volunteers, and described the Hessie Sargent Award while naming its recipients.

In this edition of Quarter Notes, you will learn from Vice-Chairs Nancy Finn and Cathy Mazza about plans in response to our volunteer surveys. The BSAV executive committee is grateful to all the people who responded. Your comments and suggestions allow our organization to enhance everyone’s participation.

A sprinkling of comments in both the Tanglewood and Boston surveys is a good reminder that we all have an obligation to make an effort and learn about our organization and our individual responsibilities to it. For example, a couple of volunteers indicated that they didn’t know who their project lead was. In response, The BSAV Executive Committee is launching an effort to have project leads communicate more frequently with their team members.

Similarly, some volunteers indicated they did not know the scope of their volunteer assignment. In these types of circumstances, volunteers can easily get this information on the BSAV Portal. Erin has done a masterful job in creating and maintaining the portal, and she has provided tutorials on how to use it. You can watch a video tutorial here. You can save your email address, and enter your password. In sum, in a matter of a handful of keystrokes and cursor clicks you are in the BSAV Portal and can review the BSAV Org Chart with Leadership or the Volunteer Position Descriptions, and much, much more.

When you refresh your knowledge of your volunteer position, if you believe there are parameters that may be difficult for you to fulfill, you can then review the Volunteer Emeritus program. The BSO and BSAV Executive Committee are eager to continue your engagement as an Emeriti, with the benefits that category provides you.

Thanks to every BSAV member for your ongoing support of our organization.

Bob Braun,
Chairman, BSAV