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Quarter Notes

A Fall Message from BSAV Chair Bob Braun

BSAV Chair Bob Braun reflects on another successful Tanglewood summer and gets ready for the fall BSO season.
A man wearing a gray jacket smiles while standing outside in front of trees

Hello, fellow BSAV Members,

I sat down to write this message after our Tanglewood season ended, which, musically, was a terrific season with too many highlights to name. The BSO achieved its desired objectives, and, during the 13 weeks between our "Welcome Back" and Labor Day, you welcomed nearly 300,000 guests and supported 13 different projects to assist patrons, staff and volunteers.

Of particular note, two events stand out: the BSAV Named Concert on July 31 featured Paul Lewis performing Beethoven's "Emperor" piano concerto (you can read about the trip to Tanglewood made by Boston volunteers in this issue of Quarter Notes). The program book for that weekend described the BSAV and named Tanglewood members while highlighting those in leadership positions. Second, our Recognition Meeting on August 18, which allowed volunteers to attend that afternoon's Pops rehearsal of the Friday night Stephen Sondheim tribute concert. I'm not alone in believing this was a great season. The final BSO concert, featuring Michael Tilson Thomas leading Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, received an outstanding review in the Wednesday, August 31, edition of The New York Times. Also on August 31, The Berkshire Eagle said of the Tanglewood season wrap-up, "the volunteers...ever-friendly faces to the audience[,] are vital to our experience."

The Labor Day popular artist concert featured Ringo Starr and His All-Star Band. While rain dampened the lawn, the energy in the Shed was palpable. His penultimate song spoke to us, and about us: "I get by with a little help from my friends." Our Tanglewood volunteer corps does more than "get by." You all over-achieve, and do it consistently. That’s why Tanglewood keeps operating as smoothly as it does.

Now, it's on to Symphony Hall and the BSO 2022-23 season. We'll be listening to wonderful music and extraordinary guest artists. In the first weeks alone, both Lang Lang and Yuja Wang joined Ray and Maria Stata Music Director Andris Nelsons and the orchestra. While some traditional volunteer projects are still operating in a modified form, it will be a busy season for the 150 Boston volunteers, augmented with 20 volunteers who have joined us during the past two seasons. We kicked off this year on Tuesday, September 20, at the annual "Welcome Back" meeting.

I'm looking forward to attending a concert with you.