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Quarter Notes

Goings-On and Upcoming Events with BSAV Vice Chair Cathy Mazza

Hear from BSAV Vice Chair Cathy Mazza about the returning volunteer projects around Symphony Hall, and some exciting upcoming events, as well as a recap of the Boston Volunteer Survey.
A woman wearing a black jacket and purple scarf stands in front of a tree with red leaves
Cathy Mazza, BSAV Executive Committee Boston Vice Chair

Good news! Boston volunteer projects are returning! As previously mentioned, hall tours returned in the fall, with the addition of the pre-concert tours. On Friday and Saturday evenings, we offer 30 minute "mini tours" before the concert starts. Of course, we are not able to take those tour participants "behind the scenes" to see backstage or the basement, for instance. But we are able to cover the most important parts of our tours: the Hall, the Acoustics, and the history of the BSO, all while filling it in with some of the displays in the hallways. These new tours have been quite popular, so now we ask those who wish to take the tours to sign up online prior to the event.

One new feature for our tours are the QR codes that accompany the displays around the Hall corridors. The codes supplement details of the displays, and are created by the Archivists. They complement the "online" tours that are available for viewing on the BSO website here.

The Instrument Playgrounds have also returned, albeit without the wind instrument components of the choices. But adults and kids still enjoy trying out the string and percussion instruments with assistance from our volunteers. These are offered on Casual Fridays for adults, Family concerts, and any other special event at Symphony Hall such as open houses, etc.

Volunteers might recall that we were asked to fill out our annual surveys about our experiences as BSO volunteers in the 2021-2022 season. Those survey results, while providing some insights, were not entirely informative due to the fact that the Hall was not fully open that season, and some of the volunteer projects were not offered. Hopefully, this 2022-2023 season will provide us with much more information in our year-end survey that could lead to improvements in the volunteer experience.

One takeaway from the survey that the Executive Committee did note concerned communication volunteers receive from their project leads, which we heard from Tanglewood volunteers as well. Feedback highlighted that many volunteers would like more communication. So the Executive Committee members have been asking the leads to "talk" via email with their group members more frequently to make sure everyone knows the news, training, and volunteer opportunities - basically so they know their leader and the group they are part of.

We had a wonderful evening on January 21 at the BSAV Named Concert. At the pre-concert reception, John Loder, Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees, spoke with us and thanked us for all our time and efforts in support of our Symphony.

A pre-concert tour for just volunteers before the Named Concert was led by yours truly for those volunteers and their guests looking for an introduction to the Hall. While we had planned this tour for those who were coming out from the Berkshires, we were happily surprised that many long-time Boston volunteers joined. We hope many of those on the tour will return for the full version!

There will be a Music 101 class led by Erin on March 7 at 6 pm in the Hall, covering part two of Rhythm, As noted on the Portal, following the class, we will meet around the corner at the Westland. And Erin promises there will be a Zoom Happy Hour with a guest musician when the guest time is set. Check the Portal for details! And please check the BSAV Portal for all volunteer news, announcements, volunteer directory, training documents and schedules – all things BSAV!