Quarter Notes
A Message from BSAV Chair Bob Braun
Hello, fellow BSO volunteers,
This is my first message to you as your BSAV Chair, though I have previously written while serving as Vice-Chair for Tanglewood. To reintroduce myself, I—and my wife, Carol—have attended concerts at Tanglewood for about 40 years. Following my retirement from a 33-year career at IBM, we bought our house in Lanesborough. After a few years spending the summer in the Berkshires, we began volunteering at Tanglewood, where I have also been a Project Lead and Co-Chair prior to my new position. These activities occasionally brought us to Boston, where, fortunately, Carol’s sister and her family live (in Cambridge). So, we’ve been able to visit with them and attend concerts at Symphony Hall.
Preparing this message for the return of Quarter Notes was a delightful experience, for it signals a return to more pre-COVID normalcy. The recent Tanglewood season was successful, albeit shorter than normal with intermission-less programs. And now, we’re back at Symphony Hall with traditional in-person concert programs. Because of continuing limitations, not all BSAV projects have been staffed and conducted. If you have participated in such a project, there are other volunteer opportunities available for you. Check with Erin to learn more about how you can get involved. For example, I had not been an usher in the Shed until this past summer, when the Fellows’ “Lunch Club” project was suspended because of COVID. Working with fellow ushers, and the BSO’s Jason Lyon and Patrick Alves, assisting concert attendees was extremely gratifying.
I am proud to be your representative to the BSO, and please know that executive leadership highly values your dedication and support. Your BSAV leadership team is experienced, knowledgeable, and committed to the organization. With more progress toward reducing Covid restrictions, we’ll see more of each other as BSAV projects resume. In the meantime, I hope to see you on Zoom when Erin launches the next Happy Hour, and Carol and I are looking forward to attending concerts with you.
As I start my term, once again I’m pleased to recognize the leadership of my predecessor, Jerry Dreher, who shepherded BSAV through the past years unprecedented times. Thank you, Jerry.
Finally, the past year and a-half have been especially difficult and unsettling. Many of our community have lost someone. Please know that you are in our thoughts.
Carol and I are looking forward to attending concerts with you.