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BSO, Pops, Tanglewood, and Symphony Hall Logos

Richard Ranti

Richard Ranti headshot with bassoon


Richard Ranti joined the Boston Symphony Orchestra as associate principal bassoon in 1989; he is also principal bassoon in the Boston Pops Orchestra. He teaches bassoon at New England Conservatory and teaches private lessons and master classes throughout the United States and Canada. Mr. Ranti is an active chamber musician and recitalist in the Boston area and beyond. Born in Montreal, Richard Ranti started bassoon at age ten, studying with Sidney Rosenberg and David Carroll. After graduating from Interlochen Arts Academy, he studied with Sol Schoenbach at the Curtis Institute of Music. At age nineteen, he won the second bassoon position in the Philadelphia Orchestra; he spent six years with that orchestra, the last as Acting Associate Principal. A 1982 Fellow at the Tanglewood Music Center, Mr. Ranti has also participated in the Spoleto and Marlboro festivals. He won second prize in the 1982 Toulon International Bassoon Competition and was the recipient of two Canada Council grants.