Ivan Kurilla

Ivan Kurilla is currently the International Scholar in Residence at Wellesley College. He previously taught at Bowdoin College, the European University in St. Petersburg, and Volgograd State University. He also conducted research at Dartmouth College as a Fulbright Scholar and at George Washington University. His research focuses on Russian-U.S. relations, particularly during the American antebellum and Civil War periods, as well as the role of historical memory and politics in Russia and the post-Soviet space. Kurilla graduated from Volgograd State University in 1991 and earned his Candidate of Sciences (1996) and Doctor of Sciences (2005) degrees in American history from the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He has written and edited multiple books in English and Russian, including "Trailing the Bolsheviki: Twelve Thousand Miles with the Allies in Siberia" (Slavica, 2020) and "Russian/Soviet Studies in the United States, Amerikanistika in Russia: Mutual Representations in Academic Projects." (Lexington, 2016). A book on the history of Russia-U.S. relations coauthored with David S. Foglesong (Rutgers) and Victoria I. Zhuravleva (RSUH) is under review by a major publisher.