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500 Strong, Volunteers are Unsung Heroes of the Tanglewood Experience

"It’s really a community, and many longtime relationships come out of volunteering."

A summer at Tanglewood requires many moving parts behind the scenes to present an exciting and memorable season to audiences, and it takes many people to play specific roles to make it all operate smoothly. However, some of the unsung heroes of a Tanglewood summer play many roles around campus; they are members of the Boston Symphony Association of Volunteers (BSAV).

A typical visit to Tanglewood brings thousands of concertgoers in contact with scores of ushers, greeters, tour guides, informational table staffers, and more. All are dedicated BSAV members. Visiting the gift shop? A BSAV member will check out your purchase. Need help finding your seat in the Shed? A BSAV member will show you the way. Taking a tour of the campus? You guessed it…BSAV members are leading the way. The list of the projects that volunteers work on is long, and includes staffing family events, staffing every concert with ushers, and more.

Clearly, volunteers add a personal touch to Tanglewood, and their efforts make each season successful. “Volunteers really are the bridge from Tanglewood into the community,” says Erin Asbury, Director of Volunteer Services, who explains how the volunteers understand the programs and the objectives of the BSO and are some of the staunchest supporters of Tanglewood. “[They] speak the language of the community and are integrated in the community in ways we could never have imagined—they are everywhere in the community, spreading the word,” she adds, calling them “feet-on-the-ground supporters [who] really add to the soul of Tanglewood.”

The shared love of the place is what makes the Tanglewood volunteers a true community. They all have their own stories about how they came to Tanglewood or the Berkshires. Asbury notes that “not all are even classical music lovers, but [they] have a love and dedication to the place.” Currently, the BSAV has more than 500 volunteers at Tanglewood, who together offer an estimated 16,000 hours of their time every season. It is no surprise that the volunteers stay volunteers, which Asbury says is because of the relationships they form. Not only do they form relationships with the location, but also with the patrons, staff, and other volunteers. “It’s really a community, and many longtime relationships come out of volunteering,” Asbury notes.

Beyond their dedication of time and talent, BSAV members are also all loyal annual fund donors, who contribute more than $300,000 collectively to the BSO, Tanglewood, and Boston Pops each year. Asbury explains how many of the volunteers, whose median tenure as volunteers is around 15 years, are from all around the Berkshires and surrounding areas, and many were or still are top-level professionals in their respective fields. The volunteers add over $1 million in value to the BSO’s cause to help it prosper and operate successfully.

“It’s almost like summer camp in a way,” Asbury explains, again noting how the volunteers are a community at Tanglewood. “They are all here to enjoy Tanglewood, and to help others come to love it as much as they do. It’s the relationships between each other, the place, and with patrons and staff that keeps them coming back. And, of course, the fabulous music!”

For more information on the Boston Symphony Association of Volunteers, visit the BSAV webpage or email