Handel and Haydn Society–Haydn + Beethoven

Symphony Hall
Symphony Hall, Boston, MA
Haydn: “Spring” from The Seasons
Beethoven: Mass in C Major
Performed by
Jonathan Cohen, conductor
Emőke Baráth, soprano
Jennifer Johnson Cano, mezzo-soprano
Andrew Haji, tenor
Thomas Bauer, baritone
H+H Orchestra
Reawaken your senses, reinvigorate your spirit, and celebrate spring with your H+H community! Harmonies burst through the Symphony Hall air like daffodils through the snow as Jonathan Cohen leads the superlative H+H Orchestra and Chorus in that sweetest of Haydn’s The Seasons. Then, our “gem of a chorus…makes a truly glorious noise” (The Boston Musical Intelligencer) as serenity gives way to rapture in Beethoven’s mesmerizing Mass in C Major.