Tanglewood Friends and Society Membership

Donors who give $150 or more become members of the Friends of Tanglewood. Those who give $3,000 or more become Tanglewood Society members. In appreciation, we offer you exclusive benefits and privileges for the year ahead, all designed to honor your membership support and enhance your experience of Tanglewood.
Your contribution will help support:
- More than 40 concerts, including recitals and chamber music
- Collaborations with guest artists, conductors, and composers
- Tanglewood Music Center, the preeminent academy for today's most promising musicians
- Preservation of the Tanglewood grounds
- The annual Festival of Contemporary Music
Keep the Music Playing: Make a Donation Today!
Explore different contribution options, including: installment plans, anonymous gifts, recurring gifts, honorarium and memorial gifts, and matching gifts.
Friends Office Contact Info
For more information, contact the Friends of Tanglewood at 617-638-9267 or friendsoftanglewood@bso.org.