Koussevitzky 150
Photo: Leonard Bernstein and Lukas Foss stand by Serge Koussevitzky as he cuts his birthday cake at Tanglewood, ca. 1946. Photograph by Heinz Weissenstein, Whitestone Photo.

Learn More About Serge Koussevitzky, Exhibits from the BSO Archives

Koussevitzky @150 Recordings
During his 25-year tenure at the BSO, Koussevitzky championed nearly every significant living composer and made peerless recordings of Tchaikovsky, Sibelius, Debussy, Prokofiev and many more. This series brings together the best of these recordings with the voices of those who knew Koussevitzky best including Leonard Bernstein, Aaron Copland, and Nicholas Slonimsky.

Serge Koussevitzky (1874-1951)
2024 marks the 150th anniversary of Serge Koussevitzky’s birth and the 100th anniversary of his appointment as the BSO's first Music Director.

Koussevitzky at Tanglewood
Explore how Serge Koussevitzky's impact on Tanglewood is still felt today.

Most Thrilling: A Student View of the Inaugural Class of the Tanglewood Music Center
In 1940, Koussevitzky's Music Center welcomed its first class of students to the Tanglewood grounds. Take a unique peek into the day-to-day intensity of practicing, socializing, and soaking in music during that first summer of Koussevitzky's grand experiment.

A Quilt of Connections: Pre-Revolutionary Artistic Circles in Russia
The Koussevitsky Quilt features signatures from elite Russian artists, composers, authors, painters, and important industrialists who supported the arts.

WATCH: Serge Koussevitzky: Champion of American Music
Serge Koussevitzky: Champion of American Music explores Koussevitzky’s advocacy of American music while at the helm of the BSO, which was unsurpassed by any other prominent conductor.

WATCH: “Music Speaks to Every Heart”: Koussevitzky’s War Time Message, Christmas 1943
Music Speaks to Every Heart illuminates BSO conductor Serge Koussevitzky's vision for classical music's place amid the tragedy of a world war.

LISTEN: From the BSO Radio Archives: Serge Koussevitzky in Concert
Over the next eight weeks, as part of the BSO’s celebration of Serge Koussevitzky’s 150th birthday and the 100th anniversary of his appointment as the orchestra’s ninth Music Director, we’ll be making available for the first time a selection of performances drawn from the archive of concert broadcast recordings.