2021-2022 Annual Report
2022 Welcome Message
2021-2022, A Year of Connection & Artistry

Dear friends, supporters, and fellow audience members,
Entering Symphony Hall in October of 2021 for the BSO’s return to in-person concerts was an emotional experience for me. In that moment, I forgot about my role as Board chair and the difficult circumstances I had watched our staff navigate. I was simply a concertgoer, moved by the power of live music and the artistry of this incredible orchestra.
I came away from that night reassured that the BSO is on the right path. Every member of this organization remains committed to three clear goals: sustaining our artistic excellence, growing our cultural relevance through meaningful connections with our community, and increasing our financial sustainability. These key objectives led to many of the accomplishments highlighted in this report, and they will continue to guide us for many seasons to come.
The high points of this year would not have been possible without the efforts of the entire BSO organization, and for that, I want to offer my heartfelt thanks. I especially want to thank our departing CEO, Gail Samuel, for overseeing the reopening of our venues and pointing us on a clear path toward our strategic goals. I’m excited to welcome former Board of Advisors member Jeffrey Dunn as our interim CEO and look forward to working with him to enrich the future of this organization.
And what a future that will be. The highlights and accomplishments spotlighted in this annual report are only a taste of what’s coming for the BSO. From a greater emphasis on music by living composers to expanded educational programming for our entire community, the BSO is on the rise, and we’re grateful to our supporters at all levels for making this possible.
Barbara Hostetter
Chair, Board of Trustees, Boston Symphony Orchestra